Archived at Green Sprout Plus:
Green Sprout Forum:
- Hosts: Steve Gualtieri, Dean La Douceur and Rosh Sillars
- Show Notes: Risk reversal is taking the risk off the customer. The goal is to take the fear out of hiring you. Invoicing your clients is also an important part of developing your cash flow. Implement an admin on your invoices. Dean shares a story about Les Brown, Steve tells a story about how a follow is an important Marketing tool. Are Facebook promoted posts worth your investment? YES! events
- Next week: The life time value of the customer.
- Tap 2013 Technologically Advanced Publishing conference – discount code ROSH13
- Super Star Sprouts:
- Free ebook: Your Mission: Marketing and Business Ideas (includes 505 marketing ideas).
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- Press Contact: We are open to interviews and interviewing authors and experts. Email Rosh.