
It’s about you

You are looking for a way to make a living or increase your income.  The opportunities that were once available are gone. Forty years with the same company and a gold watch have dried up. You need to learn how to make a living, to feed yourself and your family as an independent business person or freelance professional.  Where do you learn how? Here.

Everyday more people find themselves, whether by design or default, as entrepreneurs, freelance or small business professionals.  Not everyone is prepared for such a venture. They  find himself or herself without the proper knowledge, feel alone, and need of support.  The Green Sprout Forum is designed to be that support.  Each week your Green Sprout Forum hosts come together to support you with business concepts, ideas and education.  They also urge you to host your own Green Sprout Forum to continue and enhance the power of group support in your business life.

Join the Green Sprout Forum hosts each Monday at noon EST for helpful information and informative guests.  Subscribe (free) to the Green Sprout Forum blog and podcast so you don’t miss valuable information.

What is a Green Sprout Forum?

A Green Sprout Forum is regular meeting of business owners who wish to grow their business. There is a methodology to the forum.  It is designed to inform, educate and inspire, in a group atmosphere. The group keeps you informed and accountable to do what is needed to grow your business and reach your goals.

Our Green Sprout Forum hosts demonstrate the Green Sprout Philosophy live each Monday at 12PM EST  at GreenSproutForum.com and GreenSproutForum Google +. Each week the hosts share new ideas to grow your business and regularly invite special guests.

Monday Noon EST:

  • 12PM Welcome:
  • Success Share: Each member of the forum shares a success from the week before.
  • Education sharing: Each person in the forum sharing an interesting insight.
  • Weekly topic(s): The host(s) select a topic of the week or introduce the forum guest.
  • Take away: Each forum member shares one take away from the conversation
  • Announcements (optional): Each forum member shares one announcement or ask.
  • End 12:45PM. The forum may go longer with guest with a 1PM maximum end time.

You may view past shows via our subscription program Green Sprout Plus.

Your Hosts:

Each of the Green Sprout hosts and guests are at different points of their careers.  Some are reinventing themselves, starting a new business or beginning a new stage in their careers.  Just like you.  Fortunately, they have the experience of both success and failure to help guide you where you want to go.

Steve Gualtieri: Owner of Nexus Partners.

As a twin, he knows that no two clients are exactly alike, because no two people are.

Aptitude as a writer and proofreader gives him an understanding of the importance of a
well-crafted message, and an appreciation of attention to detail.

Fluent in Spanish, he recognizes that the language of social media, search engine optimization and web design can seem like their own language. Fortunately, he speaks that one, too, and with proficiency as an interpreter, he listens to (and makes sure to understand) prospects and clients.
Then (and only then) he uses skills honed in sales and corporate training to explain to them how we can support them.

Having a degree in Economics, he can help you to optimize your marketing budget, so give him a call…please (He also is polite.)

Dean La Douceur: Owner of Dean’s List Management Group.

Chief Everything Officer for a boutique sized marketing and logistics firm.

Researched, designed and implemented a bolt on strategy to organize, consolidate and develop resources from Round Table Promotions and launch new ventures.

Established new “Dean’s List Publishing” division, specializing in short run digital publishing and ePublishing, based on capstone project from MBA.

Developed, marketed and hosted series of conference call seminars to demonstrate expertise and identify strategic partners, prospects and opportunities. Attracted participants from North America and The United Kingdom.

Rosh Sillars: Photographer and Marketing Consultant.

Rosh owns the Creative representation firm The Rosh Group, Inc and serves as the director of social media at Synectics Media.  He is the author of three books, teaches at two universities and speaks around the world on digital marketing and social media ideas.