How would you like to share your wisdom, insights and ideas with the world? OK … start with the readers of the Green Sprout Forum. Some of our most popular posts have been from guest bloggers. Come plant a seed — Contribute a post for Green Sprout Forum.
Interested? Here are your guidelines:
- Tell us your idea first. Email us a paragraph outlining what you want to share.
- Concentrate on OUR audience. Our focus is helping business professionals and entrepreneurs grow their business. Read previous feature posts to understand our style and content.
- Give us good stuff. Write posts based upon your experience and expertise. Leverage your expertise.
- Don’t parrot someone else! Its great that you find value and great strength in what Seth Godin said last week, but if we want his opinions and insights, we’ll go ask Seth directly.
- Have a strong take away … What’s In It For US? Have a call to action. Help us make more money, streamline our operations, master a skill, or do something smarter, better, faster or with greater fulfillment. Don’t just vent, rant and pontificate.
- This Isn’t Advertising – It’s all about helping the reader. Don’t write a praise laden piece about you and your business. Demonstrate your expertise and leadership. GSF is politically neutral, which means we don’t accept partisan submissions.
- Be Willing To Write – We want both experienced and first time writers who will author unique articles specifically for GSF. If you have a portfolio such as a blog or other content, send us links to those pages or copies of those files.
We want +/- 300 words of content, written in journalistic style (strong lead, supporting points, summary/close.) On our left column is the tab “Write For Us. ” If you have an idea of something to share, click it and pitch us.
— wdl