Technology has lowered the barrier of entry to many industries. Publishing is no different. Writing for you own blog gives you the opportunity to amplify your voice. For most people who create a blog the dream is to have lots of adoring followers. Maybe even make some money. Sadly, it doesn’t work for everyone.
So, what does it take to be a successful blogger? One thing I know from experience is that you must produce a lot of material. Blogging once a month will not do it. Once a day is helpful, but multiple quality blog posts every day is what it takes to really develop a serious following.
It takes time too. Don’t plan on having a ton of fans in a matter of weeks. Even with regular consistent blogging it will take months, if not a couple years.
How will you know if it’s working?
You should have a good feel for your growth and possibilities within about three-four months. Valuable opportunities should start to arrive around six months and at about a year you will know whether you should continue your effort.
How do you create a successful blog? Check out this SEOmoz post for some good ideas: How To Blog Successfully About Anything
Here is another helpful post about finding your voice from problogger.