Ten Pieces Of Business Trivia For Your Consideration:
- Eltra Corp. v. Ringer was a case in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit which determined that the typeface design submitted did not qualify as a “work of art” under the 1909 Copyright Act.
- At the height of his success, Andrew Carnegie’s annual income was 20,000 times the average American’s wage, according to historian Frederick Lewis Allen. That’s the equivalent of about $720 million in today’s economy.
- Singer Beyonce was not paid a single cent for her halftime show performance at this year’s Super Bowl. Despite being the most watched musical event of the year, the NFL’s policy is to not pay its half time performers.
- In June 2012, Coca-Cola announced plans to commence operations in Burma/Myanmar after a gap of 60 years, leaving Cuba and North Korea as the only places where it does not do business.
- It was the discovery of Metallica’s song “I Disappear” on file sharing network Napster in 2000 that started a chain of events which led to the discovery of illegal sharing of .mp3 files.
- Invented by Frederick Walton in 1864, Linoleum is considered the first product to become a generic term just 14 years after it was first invented.
- The logo Twitter has recently been re-named after the NBA legend Larry Bird.
- The name Six Flags Amusement Park has its origin in that the state of Texas has been governed by half a dozen entities: Spain, France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the United States of America, and the Confederate States of America.
- This soft drink created in 1929 by Charles Grigg was originally named ‘Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda’ and was launched two weeks before the Wall Street Crash. We now know it as 7-Up.
- Kodak was considered the fourth most valuable brand in the world after Disney, Coca-Cola and Microsoft as recently as fifteen years ago. During most of the 20th century Kodak held a dominant position in photographic film, and in 1976 had a 90% market share of photographic film sales in the United States. Beginning in the late 1990s, Kodak struggled financially as a result of the decline in sales of photographic film, and 2007 was the most recent year in which the company made a profit.