Our friend Lisa Diggs is a finalist in the social media contest for the Detroit Policy Conference. She needs our help. Click on the link below, scroll down and please vote for her tweet through Tuesday, February 26th at 5 p.m EST. VOTE NOW: #DPC13 Social Media Contest: http://www.detroitchamber.com/dpc/votenow/#.USkUUKU4uSr
Lisa Diggs is scheduled to join us as out guest in the Monday GSF Hangout on Monday, March 11th. She is the founder of The Catalyst Company, an inventive consultative firm that is dedicated to finding solutions through coaching, corporate culture, training, and employee motivation. Lisa is also the visionary behind buymichigannow.com; a site that celebrates what’s right with the Great Lake State and promotes the annual Buy Michigan Now Festival each August.
Good luck with the contest Lisa – Looking forward to you joining us in March!