It takes a team to grow your business.
Start a local Green Sprout Forum at your home, office or on a Google+ Hangout.
Are you a freelance professional, small business owner or entrepreneur? Developing a team of people who bring fresh ideas to your business is powerful. Being involved in a Green Sprout Forum will change your life.
Watch the hosts (Dean, Steve and Rosh) live each week demonstrate how the forum works as they share new ideas to grow your business (and their businesses).
Start your own group:
It starts with you inviting one or two people to begin a forum. The ideal minimum number of people per forum is three and the maximum is ten. Two people must agree to invite a new person (as a guest) into a forum for the first visit and all members of a forum must agree to invite a new a permeate member of the group. The forum may meet every week, bi-weekly or monthly. There is no charge for forum membership or participation. Groups may agree to share expenses to rent a meeting location.
Each member of the forum will act as a rotating host. A Green Sprout Forum location may be a coffee shop, home, office, or Google+ hangout.
The agenda:
- Start Promptly at a location of your choice.
- The host welcomes everyone and shares the group ground rules.
- Each member shares a success from the previous week (1 minute each)
- Each member shares their educational moment of the day (2 – 5 minutes each)
- Topic of the day: All members share their thoughts on their topic or introduce a guest speaker.
- Round up: Members share their meeting take away and offer announcements for the week (1 Minute each)
- End promptly at a designated time. (30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes for seven or more people)
Sprout members will share one success (1 minute), next each member will share helpful information, news, stories, a book review or experience that they feel will support the group. Members have 2-5 minutes to share their topic of the week. The member may open their topic for comments for the remainder of their time. Topics may be customized to the group needs. For example: reporting on action steps, connections or completed goals (we recommend success reports).
Once everyone has shared their information a group discussion begins on the topic of the week (decided by the host). The topic of the week may be a group roundtable discussion, special guest, group book review or a problem solving session. We encourage variety. This discussion will last no more than 30 minutes. End the meeting on time. Once the forum meeting formally ends individual activities and discussions may continue.
The weekly host will monitor the time for the success sharing (1 minute), educational period (2-5) and the 30-minute group discussion.
Use as a resource for ideas.
Green Sprout Forum and it’s hosts are not responsible for the actions and results local forums.